Renting a lane to play a game of bowling is a great way to socialize with friends while getting a little competitive. It is also a great first date idea because it allows you to interact with your date more compared to going to the movies. While bowling is a great pastime, you may be wondering how long a game of bowling actually takes.
For one person to bowl a complete game, it takes about ten minutes on average. This means that for each person you are bowling with, it takes an additional ten minutes. For example, if you are bowling with six people, the game should take about 60 minutes, or one hour. Other factors also affect how long a game of bowling takes.
This article discusses the average length of bowling games depending on how many people are playing as well as other factors that affect the length of the game such as the quality of the lanes and how serious the players are about bowling.
How Long Does a Game of Bowling Take?
It takes the average person about ten minutes to bowl one complete game. For each additional person playing, it takes another ten minutes. So a game of bowling for two should last about twenty minutes. A game of bowling for three would take about thirty minutes and so on.
More serious bowlers will take less than ten minutes. That’s because they don’t spend as much time interacting with the other players, they are less likely to hesitate or take a lot of time between bowls, and they are more likely to get strikes, meaning they only need one throw to complete a round.
A more casual bowler who is there to hang out with friends will take longer than ten minutes. That’s because they are more likely to spend time in between rounds talking and interacting with other players, they are more likely to take their time because they have a more relaxed attitude toward bowling, and they likely won’t get many, or any, strikes, meaning they will need two throws every round.
What Makes a Game of Bowling Take a Long Time?
Many factors affect how long a game of bowling takes. The factor that affects it the most is how many players are bowling. Each additional player adds another ten minutes on average to the game. If you are looking to shorten the game, you can rent two lanes and split up a large group.
Another factor that makes a game of bowling take longer is the collective attitude of the players. If the group of bowlers has a relaxed, casual attitude towards the game, the game will take longer than if the bowlers are more serious about the game.
The more casual the game of bowling, the longer the game will take. In a casual game of bowling, each bowler will take their time, socialize with friends, and walk away from the lane to get something to eat or drink.
The last thing that can affect the length of a game of bowling is the quality of the lanes. Low-quality lanes take longer to get your ball back to you. Also, lane maintenance issues can pause a game of bowling, extending the length of the game.
Storm Bowling has created “Pitch Black”, a solid urethane ball that is part of their Thunder line. It’s an overall great ball for lighter and shorter oil conditions.
What Makes a Game of Bowling Quicker?
A lot of things affect how long or short a game of bowling is. The thing that affects it the most is how many players are bowling. As mentioned before, each additional player adds about ten minutes to the game. Therefore, the fewer players there are, the shorter the game.
If you are looking to speed up the game of bowling, consider splitting up your group and playing on two lanes or even three. The fewer the players on each lane, the shorter the game will be.
Another thing that can speed up a game of bowling is a serious attitude towards bowling. If the group of bowlers is made of people who take bowling seriously, the players won’t hesitate or take their time. Serious bowlers also get more strikes, so they only need to throw one ball rather than two.
A group of people who is serious about bowling, such as bowling leagues, don’t waste time hesitating, socializing, or eating and drinking. The more serious the attitude towards bowling, the quicker the game will be.
The last factor that makes a game of bowling quick is the quality of the lanes. Good quality lanes will get your ball back quicker, speeding up the time in between throws. Also, there is a smaller chance of maintenance issues on high-quality lanes.
How Long Does a Game of Bowling Take for 2?
A game of bowling for two will take about twenty minutes, depending on how much socialization/eating and drinking occurs during the game.
How Long Does a Game of Bowling Take for 3?
A game of bowling for three will take about 30 minutes. Some factors that could slow down the game include taking time in between bowls and lane maintenance issues.
How Long Does a Game of Bowling Take for 4?
A game of bowling for four will take about 40 minutes. However, if the players have a serious attitude towards bowling and don’t take their time between bowls, the game will not take as long.
How Long Does a Game of Bowling Take for 5?
A game of bowling for five will take about 50 minutes. Each individual player will take about ten minutes to bowl.
How Long Does a Game of Bowling Take for 6?
A game of bowling for six will take about 60 minutes. The length of the game depends on the attitude of the group. In a more relaxed game of bowling, the players will spend time socializing and leaving the lane to get something to eat or drink.
How Many People Can Bowl on One Lane?
For most bowling lanes, a maximum of six people can play on a single lane. If you have more than six people that want to bowl, they will make you rent two lanes.
If you are looking to shorten a game of bowling, you can split your group into two lanes. This way, you can also play more games in the same amount of time.
Did you know that most professional bowlers wipe down their bowling balls after each shot? Oil track is excess oil that is left on a bowling ball after a shot. When a lane is oiled too much, the amount of oil tracked on your bowling ball will greatly affect the way it rolls. Using a bowling ball wipe pad like this one after each shot can help keep excessive oil off of your bowling ball.
Final Thoughts
The average game of bowling will take less than an hour, but the length of the game depends on a lot of factors. What affects the length of the game most is how many players are bowling. Each additional player will add another ten minutes on average to the length of the game.
It takes the average person ten minutes to bowl a complete game, so you can easily figure out how long a game of bowling will take by multiplying the number of players by ten minutes. With five players, the game will take about 50 minutes, and with six players, the game will take 60 minutes.
Other factors make a game of bowling take longer. First, whether the game is casual or serious affects how much time players take in between throws. During a casual game, players will spend more time between throws socializing and eating and drinking. More serious bowlers don’t hesitate between throws and are more likely to only need one ball because they make more strikes.