Have you ever been to a Yu-Gi-Oh tournament and wondered how to become a Yu-Gi-Oh judge? Becoming a Yu-Gi-Oh judge doesn’t mean having to have years and years of experience of the game. The first step to becoming a Yu-Gi-Oh judge is being knowledgeable about the rules of the game. This includes being knowledgeable about both the player phases as well as knowing how to properly use card effects.
Rules can be very confusing or contradicting depending on the way that they are worded. This applies to not only the basic player phases, but card effects as well. The hundreds of different card effects is where the game can get complicated very fast. Without a judge overseeing a match, it makes it easier for someone to play illegal moves even if it was an accident causing a player to gain an unfair advantage.
If becoming a Yu-Gi-Oh judge is intriguing to you, then the first step is to take a look at the Konami Judge Program. This can be found on the official Yu-Gi-Oh card website. We went ahead and broke down the most important aspects of the program down below to help you better understand what it takes to become a judge as well as a few frequently asked questions.
What is the Konami Judge Program?
The Konami Judge Program is a program that certifies and registers Konami Judges. The program offers support and guidance for both new and existing Judges. It also helps encourage Judges to continue to fine tune and hone in on their knowledge of the game.
The Konami Judge Program is the first step you need to take in order to start being an asset in the Yu-Gi-Oh community. There are hundreds of current Judges and always room for more.
For a list of Registered Konami Judges click here.
Requirements to Become a Judge
In order to become a judge, you will need to first take and pass an online test. This test is called Rulings Comprehension Level 1 (RC-1). In order to be able to take the test, you will need a valid CARD GAME ID number and an email address.
In order to obtain a CARD GAME ID number, you will need to go to your nearest official tournament store in order to register for one.
Once you have passed the test and provided a valid Card Game ID and email, you will then receive an email with a link to the online registration form for the Konami Judge Program. This email can take up to two weeks to receive since it is not automatically generated.
Yu-Gi-Oh Judge Certification Testing
There are two types of test that you can take. There is an online test, and an in-person test. The online tests are all level 1 and the only one required for you to be able to register for the Konami Judge Program is the RC1 test. The in-person test is a level 2 test that must be taken at select Yu-Gi-Oh tournament events.
Why Would You Want to Be a Yu-Gi-Oh Judge?
There are many different reasons why people join the Konami Judge Program. First, and foremost, you should become a Yu-Gi-Oh judge because you love the game. If you are just looking to be a judge for whatever perks come with the package, then you will most likely be disappointed.
It is possible that you may have an opportunity to receive gifts, prizes, and souvenirs, through judging, but don’t expect that to be the norm. Most people judge primarily to satisfy their love for the game and tournaments. It allows them to travel to different places, and meet new people who are all in love with the game as much as they are.
Do Yu-Gi-Oh Judges Get Paid?
The direct answer to this question is no. Yu-Gi-Oh judges do not get paid, however they do receive items and gifts. It is not uncommon for a judge to receive a judge mat as well as packs of cards as compensation for their time and effort.
There have also been judges reporting that they are paid in store credits and are paid anywhere from $5 or $0.60 a person (whichever is more). Judges do not typically get paid, so even receiving a small amount is a nice bonus.
Final Thoughts
Becoming a Yu-Gi-Oh judge is pretty easy and straightforward. You must have basic knowledge of the game by passing an online ruling comprehension test as well as have a valid CARD GAME ID along with a valid email address.
Once you take the test and pass, you will need to wait a few weeks to receive an email to register for the judge program. There is an additional test you can take in person to add more credentials to your judge profile, but these can only be taken at select Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments or events.
Being a Yu-Gi-Oh judge is an awesome way to travel to tournaments and make new friends. Although you will not be paid, you will more than likely be given gifts or rewards for your efforts.