With a major shortage in the world of graphics cards, StockX is often the ‘go-to’ place for many purchasers. A lot of people wonder whether it is legit, though. So, is Stockx reliable for graphics cards?
Yes. Stockx is reliable for graphics cards. The site is 100% legit. Due to the process that they use, the actual sending of your graphics card may take a short while. However, the price that you pay is always going to be market value.
Let’s take a bit of an in-depth look at how Stockx works. We are positive that some of you may be itching to know why we can guarantee that the site is legit.
Is StockX Reliable for Graphics Cards?
Stockx is a marketplace website. This means that people from around the globe list their products on Stockx, much in the same way that they would list on eBay. There are a few differences, though.
Firstly, the prices change regularly. It is a little bit complicated, but all you really need to know is that it is based on supply and demand, much in the same way as the stock market runs (which is how Stockx designed the pricing). If there are more people looking to buy than to sell, then the price goes up. If there are more sellers than buyers, then the price goes down.
The major difference from other marketplace websites, however, is that the seller does not ship the product directly to you. Instead, once you have made the purchase, it is sent to the Stockx warehouse. It is at the warehouse where the product is inspected to ensure that it is legit. Stockx will send the product on to the buyer, and then the seller will get paid.
Because Stockx is acting as a middleman here, there is no chance of getting scammed. If Stockx believes that there is an issue with the product, then they will give you a refund and the seller won’t get paid. Since the seller isn’t sending it to you, you do not have to deal with them if something gets lost in the mail, etc.
The only downside is that the whole process is going to take a ton longer because there is going to be that middleman in the mix. Although, when you are spending a sizeable amount of cash on a graphics card, it may feel as if it is worth it to go through the rigmarole of that process.
So, yes. Stockx is 100% legit for graphics cards. It is a massive website with a ton of staff, and they will constantly do their best to ensure that you are receiving the products that you have paid for.
This means that if you are looking for a graphics card and you see it for sale on Stockx, then you should feel fairly confident knowing that you are going to end up with a legit product.
To check the current price and availability of graphics cards on Amazon, click here to view the wide selection.
How Often Does StockX Restock Graphics Cards?
Since Stockx is a marketplace, it is up to the buyers to list graphics cards when they have them to sell. Due to the way in which Stockx works, if a graphics card is particularly popular and there are no listings on Stockx, then the price will be gradually pushed up until Stockx find a price that sellers are willing to shift their products at.
This means that, in most cases, if you do not see the graphics card that you want for sale on Stockx, it is going to go into stock eventually. It may take a little bit longer than you would hope but, eventually, it will be there. In most cases, you will probably not have to wait for more than a day or so, particularly if you are looking for something that is quite rare.
Do bear in mind that there are going to be other people out there that are looking to purchase the same products that you want to purchase. This means that if you are planning on buying a graphics card, then you are going to need to act quickly. Due to the current global shortage, you will often find that these graphics cards sell out incredibly quickly.
Related: How Long Does StockX Take to Ship?
Does StockX Have Buyer Protection?
The entire website is built around buyer protection. This is because StockX goes to huge lengths to verify any product that is sold on its platform before it gets shipped to you.
Of course, as talented as the team at StockX are, mistakes can be made, on occasion. This means that if you do end up with a product that is broken or not legit, then you can reach out to the team at StockX and they will be able to provide you with information on what you need to do next.
In most cases, this will mean that you have to ship the package back to them, and they will issue you a refund. Although, as we said, the chances of you needing to go through this process will be quite slim. This is because the team at StockX is pretty decent at validating graphics cards.
All products that are shipped from StockX to the buyer will be covered by insurance. This means that neither the buyer nor the seller has to worry about being left out of pocket if the package goes missing in the mail.
How Do I Make Sure My Graphics Card Is Legit?
Due to the international shortage of graphics cards, there are more people than ever now looking to sell less-than-legit graphics cards. This means that you need to be a bit more careful to ensure that you do not end up with a fake graphics card in your hands.
If you have a graphics card in your hands, then you will be able to compare it to a photograph of a legit graphics card. Many of the fake graphics cards out there are poorly made, and comparing the photo will let you know if you have a fake on your hands.
You will often be able to see extra connectors or components. Many of the fakes are going to be blindingly obvious when you do this. Alternatively, you can use a piece of software called GPUz. You will need to have the GPU installed on your computer at the time.
The software will do an incredibly good job of letting you know whether you have a fake installed inside your computer. The software is kept constantly up to date, and if the information doesn’t tally with what you have bought, then you know that you have a fake on your hands.
Final Thoughts
Buying a graphics card from StockX is perfectly fine. The delivery time may be a little bit longer than you would hope, but you can be sure that the team at StockX will be constantly working hard to ensure that you end up with a legit product.
In many cases, you may actually find that StockX is the only place where you can buy a graphics card at a reasonable price.
If you are suspicious of a GPU that you have received, then you can check whether it is legit. StockX will help you if you believe that you have a fake product.