What Pool Cues Do the Pros Use?

what pool cues do the pros use

There are many different kinds of pool cues, but only a few are used by the pros. Between brand, size, cue tips, and weight, there are a lot of choices to make. There are many brands that are commonly thought of as high quality, such as Predator, McDermott, OB, Cuetec, and Schon.

Professional pool players most often use cues that are between 48” and 61” but usually 58”, depending on height. Pool cues used by professionals are generally between 19 and 19.5 ounces in weight. Pros mostly use a soft tip or hard tip pool cue tips, depending on their playstyle. 

In this article, we will quickly cover the best brands of high-end pool cues used by professional pool players, as well as common size, weights, and tips so that you can take your game to the next level.

What Is the Best Brand for Pool Cues?

There are a number of great high-end pool cue brands that are commonly used by pros and amateurs alike. Each brand has its own strengths, so it’s up to you to decide which one will best fit your game. Read on to learn about the best brands of pool cue money can buy!

Predator Cues

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Predator’s cues have long been considered some of the most technologically advanced in the game since their inception in 1994 with the release of the Predator 314 low deflection shaft. Predator has committed to this innovation in recent years as well, releasing many incredibly effective low deflection pool cues, including their carbon-composite REVO shaft. 

Over 60% of top-rated male professionals (and 3 out of the top 5 female professionals) use predator brand pool cues. If this does not give you an idea of how high-quality and innovative predator cues are, then nothing will. 

The short answer is, if you want to play like the pros, predator cues are a good place to start. 

To check the current price and availability of Predator Pool Cues, click here to view them on Amazon.

McDermott Cues

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According to Ranker.com, Predator isn’t the best pool cue, but McDermott is. This high-end pool cue manufacturer puts time and effort into crafting each cue in the United States, ensuring quality and longevity for each cue you buy. 

There are more than 40 professional players who use McDermott cues, so rest assured they are most certainly extremely useable at the highest level of play. Although not as popular as Predator cues, McDermott’s consistency in quality makes them an attractive option nonetheless. 

To check the current price and availability of McDermott Pool Cues, click here to view them on Amazon.

OB Cues

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A bit of a less expensive option than the last two, OB cues still do the trick quite nicely. If you’re looking for the next generation in pool cue technology, look no further than OB’s fusion line of carbon fiber core shafts. These cues are lightweight and low-deflection, making them great for players who want to shoot quickly and accurately. 

To check the current price and availability of OB Pool Cues, click here to view them on Amazon.

Cuetec Cues

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Although not used by an extremely high number of pros, there are a few who love to use Cuetec cues, such as Alison Fisher, Travis Trotter, and Troy Frank, and most notably Shane van Boening, one of the greatest to ever do it. These players like Cuetec cues due to their consistency, durability, and extremely low deflection. 

A lot of this is due to Cuetec’s unique composite fiberglass shell, which acts almost like a suit of armor around the pool cue. This creates the ding-resistant and durable cue that great players like Shane love. 

To check the current price and availability of Cuetec Pool Cues, click here to view them on Amazon.


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Another fantastic choice, Schon has been used by plenty of professionals over time. Big names like Shane van Boening (before he started using Cuetec), Dallas West, and Buddy Hall have preferred to use Schon over other brands over time due to Schon’s low deflection and durability.

The great thing about Schon cues is that each of them is hand-crafted, so you can trust you are getting extremely high quality when you buy one. 

To check the current price and availability of Schon Pool Cues, click here to view them on Amazon.

What Size Pool Cue Do the Pros Use?

As stated earlier, professional pool players tend to use cues that are between 48” and 61”, depending on the height of the player. There are a few different categories as far as height is concerned. 

Players 5’4 and shorter will usually use a 48” cue. Longer cues can often be too long for them to handle properly, and they will end up losing accuracy in the long run. It is not bad or sub-optimal to use a shorter cue, and using a cue properly sized for your body is very important for the accuracy of your shots. 

Players between 5’4 and 6’2, 52”-58” cues. 58” cues are considered the standard and used by the vast majority of players. This cue size gives them good maneuverability while still being long enough to provide the power and accuracy needed for good shots. 

Players from 6’2 to 6’4 and even taller tend to need longer cues, starting from 58” and going all the way up to 61”. These cues are for exceptionally tall players who need a longer cue to keep good form, as a shorter cue is too small for their body. 

What Weight Pool Cue Do Pros Use?

Although pool cues come in a wide variety of weights, from 15 to 27 ounces, professionals neglect to use the vast majority of the weights on this scale. Most professionals opt instead to use pool cues that weigh between 19 and 19.5 ounces. 

This weight allows them to move their stick extremely quickly while still having the weight to hit the cue ball quickly and accurately, providing good shots and good breaks as well. 

What Cue Tips Do Pros Use?

Most professionals use either soft, medium, or hard tips, avoiding the other sizes such as medium-soft or extra soft. They tend to lean towards 12mm, 13mm, and 14mm sized tips as well, so try not to go much larger or smaller than that if you can. 13 mm tips are the most common of all these sizes. 

As far as brand goes, every cue manufacturer makes pool cue tips, so going with the brands mentioned above will probably not go wrong. Cue tips are all about feel, so buy a few different sizes and hardnesses and see which is the most comfortable for you! After all, the pros use many different types of cues in a range of hardnesses and sizes, so you should too.

Final Thoughts

So if you want to play like the pros, it is important to have a high-quality cue. Some great brands include Predator, OB cues, Cuetec, McDermott, and Schon. However, it doesn’t stop there, and there are a ton of great pool cue brands on the market. 

Make sure that you’re using a properly sized cue. The standard for professionals is 19-19.5 ounces and 58”, although this can change depending on your height! Make sure first and foremost that your cue feels comfortable for you to use.  Lastly, buy a few different types of tips and test them out. Maybe you’re the type of player who likes a soft tip that mushrooms after a few breaks, or maybe you like a hard tip that is durable and dense.

Either way, you have to test them all out to know which one is the best for you. If you want a professionally sized tip, 13mm is the way to go, although some pros use 12mm and 14mm tips. 

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