Professional pool players have many personal preferences that they feel influence their game, for example, pool cue brand or ball brand. But do pool players have a preference when it comes to the...
Category: Bar Games
Ask anyone what the first thing that comes to their mind is when you say the words “snooker player” and they will most likely talk about how sharply dressed they are. They are most likely...
Sometimes leaning on the pool table can get you that extra inch you need in order to make that perfect shot, but is it legal? Can you lean on a pool table? Etiquette states clearly that yes, you...
If you’re a fan of darts but are wondering if you’re current set-up poses a breakage risk to one of your windows, you’ve come to the right place. First of all, can a dart really break a...
Unless you’re an avid dart enthusiast, few people think about how you have to have a certain amount of care and repair when owning a dartboard. Upon purchasing one, most people put it up on the...
Most people watching a game of darts will know that triple 20 is the highest score possible score with one dart, but you will often see the players move from triple 20 down to triple 19. It begs the...